Blues And Twos - Police Officer's Blog

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Archbishop of York - Dr John Sentamu

There comes a time when honest and decent people must speak out - Fortunately this decision seems to have been taken by The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu.

The new Archbishop of York, who fled Uganda where he had been a judge in the mid-1970s under persecution from the regime of Idi Amin, has now in my opinion become the voice of common sense in the UK.

Dr Sentamu, who was also a member of the inquiry into the Stephen Lawrence murder, (which accused the Metropolitan police of institutional racism.) has taken no time at all in tackling emotive subjects which carry a certain 'social taboo' in today's politically correct Britain.

His response when questioned about the Church of England's role in modern society suggests a back to basics approach.

"The Church of England has to reconnect with England. There is such a wealth of tradition, the relationship between Christianity and social order, we are all part of the same society. I hope to spend more time befriending those who are sick, poor, lonely. The whole question of social integration, social justice, must go hand in hand with creating a fraternal society. If we are friends, the chances are that we will help and support one another. That is at the heart of the Christian faith."

In recent interviews and press reports, Archbishop Dr John Sentamu hasn't pulled any punches.

Multiculturalism stifles English culture, says black archbishop

Councils 'fail indigenous Brits'

Archbishop dons a hoodie

It is my job now to remind the English of what you taught me

Thank 'God' that we've finally got an Archbishop who appears to be suitably qualified and isn't afraid to speak out on social and justice issues!


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