Blues And Twos - Police Officer's Blog

Blues and Twos - Police & Law Blog is a an amalgamation of thoughts, feelings and observations on news, current affairs and UK policing in general. Our police blog has contributions from officers of the rank of Inspector (Organ Grinder) down to Constable (Monkey). Blues and Twos - The Police Officer's Blog

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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Extra Terror Victim Cash Rejected

The home secretary has rejected calls to increase the compensation payments given to the victims of terror attacks. Charles Clarke told the Daily Telegraph they should be treated the same way as other victims of crime.

Extra Terror Victim Cash Rejected

"It's not actually the way you are injured that is the key thing - provided it is a criminal act - but the extent of the injuries," he said.

His comments will anger families of victims of the 7 July bombings and survivors calling for better payouts.

"Whether you are stabbed outside a pub or maimed by an explosion on a Tube train, it's not actually the way in which you are injured that is the key thing," he said.

Unfortunately another problem facing victims injured and the families of victims killed as a result of the 7 July bombings is the time it actually takes for compensation to reach them.

A good friend of mine was medically retired from the police service as a result of recieving a thorough beating at the hands of a criminal wanted for rape.

The officer in question has undergone four operations since this assault, been medically retired from the police service and still hasn't received any compensation from the CICA.

I only hope the victims of the 7th July bombings are dealt with expeditiously and receive the compensation they so rightly deserve.


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